حل مراجعة عامة علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني

حل مراجعة عامة علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني تحتوي على شرح الدروس التي تعلمها الطالب خلال الفصل الدراسي بإيجاز، ويليها بعض الأسئلة التي يقوم الطالب بحلها للتطبيق على الدرس، ويُمكن تحميل حل الدرس من خلال موقع دروسنا.

حل مراجعة عامة علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني

تركز المراجعة على النقاط الهامة التي من المحتمل أن تأتي في الامتحان، لذلك يجب على الطلاب التركيز عليها ودراستها جيدًا حتى يستعد لاجتياز الاختبار النهائي بنجاح.

Lesson 3: Effects of hydrosphere:

Erosion and deposition:

  • Is the process of weathered rock moving from one place to another the process of eroded materials being dropped off in another place.
  • The looping curves in this river are called meanders.
  • Slow-moving water deposits sediments on the inside of a meander.
  • Faster-moving water erodes sediments on the outside of meanders.

Lesson 2.2: Effects of Atmosphere

Earth’s atmosphere:

  • The atmosphere is all the gases that surround Earth.
  • Earth’s atmosphere contains gases, which is a matter.
  • The air particles in the atmosphere have mass and
  • The temperature of the atmosphere can
  • determine activity within it.
  •  There are different layers in Earth’s atmosphere, which vary in temperature.

اقرأ أيضًا: اختبار نهائي تدريبي العلوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث

تدريبات المراجعة

Which of the following best defines erosion?

  • Very cold places with thick sheets of ice.
  • A place that floods easily when river water rises.
  • The process of eroded materials being dropped off in another place.
  • The process of weather rock moving from one place to another.

Which of the following statements about erosion is not correct?

  • Erosion might be caused by moving water.
  • Erosion might be caused by the movement of glaciers.
  • Erosion might be caused by rivers.
  • Erosion might be caused by the sunlight.

Anna goes to the same beach with her family every summer this year she noticed that the beach was smaller than last year what might have caused the beach to change over the year?

  • A volcano erupted and lava flowed over the beach.
  • The cold weather caused the beach to change.
  • Wind and water eroded the beach.
  • Oxygen in the air reacted with the sand.

Which model demonstrates how running water causes erosion and deposition?

  • Small pebbles are placed inside a bucket water is slowly poured into the bucket the pebbles star in place.
  • Water is poured down the side of a mound of dirt a shallow trench forms where the water runs dirt from the top of the mound is carried to the bottom.
  • An aluminum tray is filled with sand a fan is placed at one of the tray when the fan is turned on it blows the sand from one side of the tray to the other.

اقرأ أيضًا: تلخيص شامل علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثالث أ شيماء الكتبي

تحميل حل مراجعة عامة علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني

تحميل الملـــــف

تساعد المراجعة الطالب في إزالة الرهبة والخوف من الاختبارات، بالإضافة إلى تثبيت المعلومات في ذهنه لحين استذكارها وقت الاختبار.

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