إجابة امتحان نهائي علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني

إجابة امتحان نهائي علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني تساعد على تعرف الطلبة على الحلول النموذجية، حيث يتضمن الامتحان عددًا من الأسئلة المتباينة مثل الاختيارات والتعريفات والتي تدرج حسب مستوى الطلاب العقلي لمراعاة الفروق الفردية بينهم، ويُمكن تحميل إجابات الامتحان من خلال موقع دروسنا.

إجابة امتحان نهائي علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني

تساعد إجابات الامتحان الطلاب في المراجعة على إجاباتهم وتشتمل الأسئلة على جميع أجزاء المنهج التي تم شرحها خلال الفصل الدراسي، ويهدف الامتحان إلى قياس درجة استيعاب الطلاب للمعلومات.

تدريبات وإجابات الامتحان

Question 1: look for picture thin answer:

What is name of source water which show in pictures?

Frozen water – ice cap

How many percentages of this source of water?

69 %

Are this water salt or fresh water?

Fresh water.

Question 2: Write sources of water with percentage:

  • Fresh water …3…… %.
  • Salt water 97…%.

Q3: Answer about following question:

Which way of conservation that show in picture?


What are causes of water pollution?

  • Oil spil.
  • algal bloom.
  • Wastes of factories.

Write one negative effect of acid rain?

It has a harmful effect on trees, fresh water and soil.

How we can reduce of effect of acid rain?

Reducing the burning of fossil fuels.

What will happen when one tectonic plate moves to below other plate?

As a plate melt then molten rocks rise up, volcano or volcanic islands can form.

Explain why this front is called cold front?

Because Cold air mass pushes warm air mass.

What is weather will result in this front?

Stormy weather.

اقرأ أيضًا: أوراق عمل وحدة مقارنة انواع المادة علوم صف خامس فصل ثاني

Question 4: write number of definition term of next definition:

                Term                          Definition
              Deposition Process to store water on the ground by human.
               Reuse A rapid growth of algae caused by too much fertilizer.
               weather using water for something else or more than once.
               volcano Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide mix with water in the air.
               Algal bloom Any harmful substance that affects earth’s resources.
               Pollution when eroded pieces of rock and soil are left in a new area.
               Acid rain an opening in the Earth’s crust where molten rocks flow to the surface.
                 Storage The condition of the atmosphere at given time and place.

Question 6: Compare between reservoir and river?

Question 7: Arrange the steps of algal bloom formation:

  • Algal bloom harms organisms that live in the water ecosystem.
  • Fertilizer causes the fast growth of algae.
  • Heavy rain washes fertilizer from the soil into the water environment.
  • Fertilizers are added to plants and food crops.

اقرأ أيضًا: هيكل امتحان العلوم للصف الخامس الفصل الثاني

Q5: Choose the correct answer:

All gases around earth planet:

  • Hydrosphere
  • Atmosphere
  • Geosphere
  • biosphere

What is usable freshwater?

  • Water that can only be found in the oceans.
  • A salty water sources.
  • A water source that can be used for drinking and farming.
  • Water that humans cannot drink.

All living things on earth are part of the….

  • Biosphere
  • Atmosphere
  • Geosphere
  • Hydrosphere

Which of these would you be doing if you are interacting with the geosphere?

  • swimming in the summer.
  • building house on earth surface.
  • sailing and fishing in the morning.
  • breathe oxygen.

What happens when erosion and deposition work together?

  • New Mountains are formed.
  • The climate changes overtime.
  • Metal pieces become rusty.
  • They change the Earth’s surface.

Which of these are an example of erosion?

  • Light Shinning on a mountain.
  • Rain breaking down rock.
  • Rain wash soil away from farm.
  • All of the above.

How are glaciers and oceans similar?

  • Both contain salt water and are difficult for humans to use.
  • Oceans contain salt water and glaciers contain fresh water, and both are easy for humans to use.
  • Both contain freshwater and are difficult for humans to use.
  • Oceans contain salt water and glaciers contain fresh water, but both are difficult for humans to use.

Which of the following provides the best example of an interaction between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere?

  • Carbon dioxide gas is released into the air by living things.
  • Consistent patterns of wind change the shape of landforms.
  • The oceans release heat energy that makes climate milder.
  • Water vapor in the air is taken into plants through their leaves.

When rivers drop sediments into lakes or oceans, it is called

  • deposition
  • surface change.
  • erosion
  • moving water.

-Describe the type of precipitation that occurs when falling through an atmosphere that is warm/hot.

  • Rain
  • Sleet
  • Snow
  • Freezing Rain.

Erosion is an example of interactions between which two systems?

  • The biosphere and hydrosphere.
  • The geosphere and atmosphere.
  • The atmosphere and hydrosphere.
  • The atmosphere and biosphere.

Large body of air with the same temperature and moisture is called?

  • warm front.
  • cold front.
  • air mass.
  • jet stream.

When air masses meet is called what?

  • Air Mass.
  • Front
  • Weather
  • Climate

Type of front: two air masses meet but neither is being move.

  • Warm
  • Cold
  • Stationary
  • Occluded

What type of storm is this?

  • Tornado
  • Thunderstorm
  • Hurricane
  • Tsunami

Climate is:

  • Pattern of weather over a long period of time.
  • The weather report for the day.
  • The changing of weather throughout the day.
  • None of the above.

What will happen when cold, dry air mass meet with warm, humid air mass?

  • Thunderstorm
  • Tornadoes
  • Tropical storms.
  • Winter storms.

water treatment facilities are

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle

اقرأ أيضًا: حل درس القوى والاسس خامس رياضيات

تحميل إجابة امتحان نهائي علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني

تحميل الملــف

الامتحان النهائي يساعد المعلم في معرفة نقاط القوة الضعف عند الطلاب ومعالجة جوانب القصور التي يعاني منها بعض التلاميذ للحصول على النتائج الجيدة في الامتحانات.

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