مراجعة FINAL REVISION اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول

مراجعة FINAL REVISION اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول تساعد الطالب على الاستعداد للامتحان النهائي عن طريق الاطلاع على الأسئلة المشابهة لأسئلة الامتحان واحتوائها على أهم ما ورِد في المنهج بصورة مبسطة، ويُمكن تحميل المراجعة من خلال موقع دروسنا.

مراجعة FINAL REVISION اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول

تحتوي المراجعة على أسئلة الاختيارات وتدريبات القراءة؛ فتسهم في تنمية مهارة القراءة عند الطالب، كما تركز على حفظ المفردات اللغوية لكل درس وفهم معانيها وما تدل عليه بالإضافة إلى مراجعة القواعد الهامة في اللغة وطريقة تكوين الجملة في اللغة الإنجليزية.

 تدريبات المراجعة

Read the paragraphs and match them with the headings

Activity 1

Paragraph 1

  • The UAE has the tallest skyscraper in the world. It is called the Burj Khalifa, which
  • is in Dubai. It is nearly 830 meters tall and has 163 floors.

Paragraph 2

  • Dubai has over 196 high- rise buildings. If a fire starts in a tall building, it is very difficult to put it out.

Paragraph 3

  • Helicopters can fly up high and throw water on the flames, but this can take a
  • very long time. It is very dangerous, and firefighters must be very brave.
  • Firefighters are people who do amazing things to help people.

Paragraph 4

  • Firefighters in Dubai will soon have flying jetpacks so they can fly up to the high
  • skyscrapers and fight the fire. The jetpack fire fighters will be able to reach the
  • higher floors more easily and more quickly.
  1. The tallest skyscraper in the world.
  2. High rise building in Dubai.
  3. Flying jetpacks
  4. Firefighters are brave and amazing people

اقرأ أيضًامواضيع كتابة لغة إنجليزية للصف الرابع الفصل الثالث

Activity 2

Read and decide which sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)

  • You might tell your friends when they do something well.
  • You might not help your friends with spellings.
  • You may ask your friend to help you.
  • You may share your colored pencils and scissors.

Activity 3

Read the text and decide if the sentence is True (T)or false (F)

  • The boy helped to clean and tidy the beach.
  • He didn’t like doing this job.
  • He wants to tell everyone to stop polluting the seas and deserts.
  • His family always leaves rubbish at the beach.
  • Sea and desert animals eat plastic bags and the animals die.
  • National Environment day is every five years.

اقرأ أيضًاحل درس Lesson 7 اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الثالث

Activity 4

Read the paragraphs 1-5 and match with the headings A-E

Paragraph 1

  • I’m interested in reading traditional stories about the UAE. My grandmother used
  • to tell me the stories when I was very young, but I couldn’t read then. Now, I
  • can read, so I love reading old stories about pearl diving and the desert.

Paragraph 2

  • I like going on online Websites to read about different animals and facts
  • about what they eat and where they live. I try to read the facts in English, and
  • I watch videos to help me understand what I have read.

Paragraph 3

  • I like reading Historical books. I don’t like reading about science or technology. I like
  • learning about the lives of people from the past and thinking about how life is now.

Paragraph 4

  • I like reading apps because they are very quick and easy to use. I can read a lot of
  • different things and don’t have to carry lots if heavy books in my bag!

Paragraph 5

  • My brother likes books such as ‘Freej’. They have got lots of pictures and
  • not much words. I love reading comics books because they are very
  • colorful and there are a lot of pictures to look at.
  1. Comic books
  2. I like to use apps on my tablet.
  3. I enjoy reading traditional stories about the UAE.
  4. Historical books about the lives of people in the past.
  5. I like reading on the internet.

Activity 5


Omer Abdulrahman is from ………..

(Oman – Saudi Arabia – UAE).

Omer Abdulrahman played………..

(tennis – football – basketball).

Omer Abdulrahman played for Al Hilal Club in………….

(2000 – 2007 – 2020).

Al Ain Club is an …………….. Club.

(Emirati – Saudi – Yamani).

Omar started playing football at the age of……………………………

(five – nine – fifteen).

اقرأ أيضًامراجعة درس Working Together اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع

تحميل مراجعة FINAL REVISION اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول

تحميل الملف

تهدف مراجعة FINAL REVISION اللغة الإنجليزية إلى تثبيت المعلومات في ذهن الطالب لسهولة استذكارها وقت الامتحان، بالإضافة إلى التركيز على النقاط الهامة المتوقع أن تأتي في الامتحان.

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