مراجعة الدليل الإرشادي للاختبار النهائي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني

مراجعة الدليل الإرشادي للاختبار النهائي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني يجب على جميع الطلاب تحميلها؛ ليتمكنوا من التعرف على شكل الامتحان بالإضافة إلى بعض الأسئلة التي يحتويها هذا الدليل والقيام بحلها، حتى يتمكن الطالب من الحصول على الدرجات العالية، وإليك التفاصيل في دروسنا.

مراجعة الدليل الإرشادي للاختبار النهائي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني

إذا كان يرغب الطالب في التعرف على شكل الامتحان فيمكنه الاطلاع على دليل الامتحان الإرشادي حتى يتمكن من كسب المعرفة والخبرات كما إنه يقوم بتعزيز ثقته بالنفس ولا يهاب التقدم إلى اختبار نهاية العام لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية التي تكون من أهم اللغات على المستوى العالمي لذا فيجب على الطالب أن يحصل على الدليل.

حل محتوى مراجعة الدليل الإرشادي للاختبار النهائي

Numbers and number operations: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, first

The body: finer, hand, arm, head, chest, knee, toe

Measurement: centimeters (cm), meters (m), measure, long, longer, short, shorter, happy, happier, tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortest, big

Time: months, days, hours, minutes, seconds

Phonics: one, won, two, too, eight, ate, for, four, came, must, new, said, very, was, blow, shiver, lift, chase, help, busy, run, scare, scary, strong, quick, bite, greedy, help, can, please, thank you, of course, sure, I’m sorry, I can’t, nice, mangoes, famous, name, place,

Animals: giraffe, monkey, snake, alligator, leopard, chimpanzee, elephant, water ox, antelope, ant, cricket, spider, web, wings, legs, antennae, front legs, back legs, butterfly, cocoon, caterpillar, hatch, life cycle, bee, silkworm, honey, silk, beetle, worm, mouse, cat, dog, bug, catch, flies

إقرأ ايضًا: حل درس Read and Respond اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث


The natural world: sky, blue, earth, green, fresh air, part, roots, wood, branches, leaves, fruits, water, plant, dig, fill, hole, soil, put, Kenya, village, land, river, idea,

Environment: sign, rules, grass, bin, litter, bin, cycling, fishing, roots, round, cut down, r clerk, facto

Phonics (long o sound). (ow sound): long o sound phonics words ow sound phonics words

dog sheep

fish elephant

cat snake

caterpillar antennae

that in the bin

Sit down

Grammatical structure Clauses and

Usage Phrases: Imperatives Words that give a command

Other examples Put that butterfly down stand over there

Don’t throw your litter on the grass

I have animals

There are many people here

There are Lot of butterflies

Grammatical structure Determiners: Quantifiers

Usage Words that show the amount of something

Other examples I can see many dogs

There are leaves

She has some books

We were at home last night

I went to school yesterday

I a camel in the desert

Grammatical structure

Past time (past simple (including the verb ‘to be’)

Usage We use it to talk about actions that happened in the past

Other examples We with our cousins

She wasn’t at school yesterday

They didn’t home work

Where is the book? The book is under the chair is your name? My name is Aisha

Who is your teacher? My teacher is Mr. Jones

Grammatical structure

Usage wh – questions

They are used to ask questions

  • What — for things
  • Where — for places
  • Who — for people
  • Why — for reasons
  • When — for time

Other examples When is English class today? English class is at 10 0’clock Why do you like reading books? I like reading books because I can learn many things Where are you going? I am going to the supermarket

Part B 1

Read the text. Choose the correct answer


An ant is an insect. It has six legs and two antennae. Ants use their antennae to feel, smell and taste. These ants are using their antennae to communicate (talk). They live in big groups. Ants eat leaves, seeds, bugs and other things

How many antennae do ants have?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

How do ants live?

  1. Small groups
  2. Individual
  3. Big groups

How do ants commun?

  1. By their antennae
  2. By their legs
  3. By their mouth

What do ants?

  • Ants eat leaves, seeds, bugs and other things.

Part B I

Read the text. Choose the correct answer


Long ago in Egypt, people measured with their fingers, hands and arms Long ago in Rome, people measured in footsteps Today we use the metric system to measure. We use centimeter’s and meters There are 100 centimeters in a meter

How did people measure in Egypt?

  1. Hands and arms
  2. Footsteps
  3. Metric system

How did people measure in Roma?

  1. Hands and arms
  2. Footsteps
  3. Metric system

How do people measure today?

  1. Hands and arms
  2. Footsteps
  3. Metric system

………. How many centimeters in a?


part 82 Maze

Read the text. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences


An ant 1. (is – are) an insect. It 2. (has – have) six legs and 3. (four – two) antennae. Ants 4. (use – uses) their antennae to feel, 5. (small, smell) and taste. Ants live in 6. (big – small) groups under the ground. Ants eat leaves, seeds, and 7. (bags – bugs). They carry 8. (there – their) food home


A spider is 1. (an insect – not an insect). It has 2. (six – eight) legs. Spiders 3. (have – don’t have) an antenna. 4.(All – Some) spiders live under the ground. A spider makes a web from 5. (wool – silk) in its body. The silk is very 6. (light – heavy) and very strong. Spiders eat insects

The signs

Last month, I learned to recycle. The sign said, 1. (do – put) your waste in the 2. (bin – ground). I always follow the 3. (grass – rules). In my school, there are 4. (a lot of – one) signs. My teachers 5.( put – puts)
them in everywhere 6.( How – What) many signs do you have in your school ? 7. (Why – When) do you think the signs are important for us?

T Mariam Hilal Mubarak

إقرأ ايضًا: ورقة عمل Reading And Writing Assessment اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث

تحميل مراجعة الدليل الإرشادي للاختبار النهائي اللغة الإنجليزية

تحميل الملـــــف

مراجعة الدليل الإرشادي للاختبار النهائي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني، كانت سهلة وبسيطة كما تعرفنا على الحل الخاص بها؛ ليتمكن الطالب من الاستعانة به في وقت الحاجة، ويتأكد من صحة حله للدليل الإرشادي.

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