مذكرة اختبار مهارة القراءة والكتابة مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني 2022 2023

مذكرة اختبار مهارة القراءة والكتابة مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني 2022 2023 يبحث عنها الكثير من الطلاب؛ حيث إنها تكون هامة للغاية وتعمل على تعزيز مستوى الطالب في الدراسة وخاصةً في اللغة الإنجليزية لذا فيمكنك التعرف عليها وعلى التفاصيل الخاصة بها هنا في موقع دروسنا.

مذكرة اختبار مهارة القراءة والكتابة مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني

إذا كنت تواجه مشكلة في حل أسئلة اللغة الإنجليزية المختلفة فيمكنك الآن الاستعانة بهذه المذكرة حتى تتمكن من حل العديد من الأسئلة المختلفة وتستخدمها كمراجعة على ما تم دراسته بالمنهج طيلة الفصل الدراسي وأيضًا إليك الحل الخاص بها حتى تتمكن من التعرف على الإجابات الصحيحة.

إقرأ ايضًا: ورقة عمل داعمة Reading Test اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني

مذكرة اختبار مهارة القراءة والكتابة مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية 


Reading text

Part B l

Text 1

Read the texts and choose the correct answer A, B or C

This is Faisal. Faisal is seven years old. He has a new friend called Omar

Faisal wants to know about Omar and his family

  1. Faisal is ……… years old
  2. Seven
  3. eight
  4. nine

Text 2

Omar has two brothers and a sister. Last year, they were in Kenya

Kenya is in Africa. They went to school in Kenya

  1. Omar went to school
  2. UK
  3. UAE
  4. Kenya

Text 3

Omar is the tallest boy in his family. His sister is the shortest girl in his family

Omar is taller than his brother, Ahmed

Write your answer on the line

  1. Omar is ___taller _ than Ahmed



Reading text

Read the texts and choose the correct answer A, B or C

Part Bl

Text 1

Long time ago, people in different countries measure different ways. In ancient Egypt, people measured with their fingers, hands and arms

  1. In ancient Egypt, people measure with
  2. footsteps
  3. only arms
  4. fingers, arms and hands

Text 2

Long ago in Rome, people measured in footsteps. Today we use the metric system to measure. We use centimeters and meters. There are 100 centimeters in a meter

  1. Ancient Rome, people measured in
  2. Footsteps
  3. fingers, arms and hands
  4. metric system

Write your answer on the line

Today we use metric system to measure

Part B l

Text 1

Read the texts and choose the correct answer A, B or C

An ant is an insect. It has six legs and two antennae. Ants use their antennae t feel, smell and taste. These ants are using their antennae to communicate (talk)

  1. Ants has ………. antennae
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four

Text 2

An ant is an insect. It has six legs and two antennae. Ants use their antennae to feel, smell and taste. These ants are using their antennae to communicate (talk)

They live in big groups. Ants eat leaves, seeds, bugs and other things

  1. Ants communicate with their ….
  2. legs
  3. antennae
  4. mouth

Write your answer on the line

  1. Ants live in –big- groups

Read the texts and choose the correct answer A, B or C

Part B l

Text 1

Spiders are not insect. Spiders have eight legs. They don’t have antennae wings. Some have eight eyes and some have six. But most of them can’t see well

  1. All spiders have in its body
  2. two
  3. six
  4. eight

Text 2

Some spiders live under the ground. Others make webs. A spider makes web from silk in its body. The silk is very light and very strong

  1. Spiders make webs from
  2. honey
  3. Silk
  4. mouth

Text 3

Most spiders eat insects. Some very big spiders eat mice and fish too

Write your answer on the line

  1.  Big spiders eat mice and fish

PART B2- End of Term 2 2022-2023

Grammar Maze

Read the text and choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences

Part B 2

Maze 1

Reem: Noura, please can you (help – show) me bake some cookies.

Noura: Yes, 1 (can’t – can) but I must finish my homework first

Reem: 0k, 3. (please – thank) you. I will get the things we need

Teacher: Let’s tidy the classroom! Ali, please can you 4. (help –  put) the pens in the box? (can – Is) you help me

Ali: Yes, of course. Hammadi.

Hammad: Yes, sure.

Ali: 6. (Thank you – please) can you get the box? I’ll start picking up the pens.

Maze 2

There was a contest in the forest. All the animals l. (come – came) he king 2. (say – said) ‘ thank you for coming. You 3 (must / mustn’t) throw this spear and quickly count to ten. You must say “ten” before the spear hits the ground. The winner of the contest will be the 4. (new / old) king. ’The elephant was the was first to try. ’I’m the 6. (bigger / biggest) animal in the forest,’ he said. ‘I think I can do it.’

PART 82 – End of Term 2 2022-2023

Grammar Maze

Read the text and choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences

Part B 2

Maze 3

Yesterday, I 1. (go /went) to the supermarket. I want to buy some food. I 2. (buy / bought) some fruits and vegetables. I drank 3. (some/ two) water because I was thirsty. There were 4. (many / some) apples. I 5. (eat / ate) an apple.

I 6. (laugh/ laughed) when I saw a funny clown. The seller 7. (put / stand) my things in a plastic bag. As I know a plastic bag is not helping our environment. I prefer to take 8. (paper/ plastic) bag. After I use the paper bag, I can 9. (throw / recycle) it.

Maze 4

What did Ahmed draw yesterday?

He 1. (draw / drew) a nice picture.

  1. (How long/ How many) legs do a butterfly have?

It has six 3. (legs / wings).

How 7. (do / does) a butterfly taste?

It tastes food with its feet. 8. (What / When) a nice bug!

PART B2 -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Grammar Maze

Read the text and choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences

Part B 2

Maze 5

1.(Who –What) did you do yesterday? I played football with my cousins.

What time is it now? It is nine 2. (time / o’clock).

3.(What – Where) is your dog? I put my dog with my friend and I will take

it after few (minutes / days).

4.(When –Who) are you leaving? I will leave now.

5.(When – Why) did you put your dog with your friend? Because I can’t

leave my dog alone at home.

Maze 6

I’m glad 1. the (sky / sun) is painted blue. And the 2. (earth / wood) is painted green. Last month, I learned to recycle. The sign said, 1. (do / put) your waste in the 2. (bin / ground). I always follow the 3. (grass / rules). First rule, don’t drop 4. (litter / letter). Second one, go 5. (fish/ fishing).


PART B2 -End of Term 2 2022-2023

Grammar Maze

Read the text and choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences

Part B 2

Maze 7

Boy: What’s this?

Dad: 1. (This / These) is a fig 2. (plant/ wood).

Boy: 3. (Where / What) are these?

Dad: 4. (These / Those) are carrot plants.

  1. (What / When) do you like better, figs or carrots?

Maze 8

Children all over the world can 1. (help/ stand) to save the earth.

In some schools, children 2. (plant/ cut) trees. In many schools, children 3. (recycle/ throw) paper. 4. (Do /Don’t) throw litter on the ground. 5. Throw you litter in the 5. (grass/ bin). 6.(plant / cut) new tree to make 6. (green / grey) land.

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to help you:

Word Bank

(fishing – tall – help –

Plant – short – ten –

 Long – draw –  fingers –

Big – leg – toes)

  1. Describe what you look like.
  • I’m ten years old.
  • I’m taller than my sister.
  1. What do you like to do?
  • I like to draw and play football.

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to help you:

Part B3

Word Bank

(sister – brother – taller – shorter –

Taller – family – than – tallest –

The – I – name – is)

  1. What is your name? How old are you?
  • MY name is Maryam, I’m 9 years’ old
  1. Who is the tallest person in your family
  • My father is the tallest person in my family

Who is the shortest person in your family?

  • My sister is the shortest person in my family


PART 3 -End of Term 2 2022- 2023

 Writing sentences

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to help you

Part B3

Word Bank  

(shorter – than –  is – than – flowers – are – longer – sun)

  1. Who has the shortest sunflower?
  • Badriya has the shortest sunflower
  1. Who has the tallest sunflower?
  • Faisal has the tallest sunflower

. Which sunflower is taller, Faisal or Badriya

  • Faisal’s sunflower is taller than Badriya’s sunflower

Writing sentences

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to help you

Word Bank

(spider – legs – web – eat – wings – live – has – ground – mice – insects –  antennae – fish)

  1. How many legs does a spider have?
  • It has eight legs
  1. Where does a spider live?
  • Spider lives under the ground.
  1. What does the spider eat?
  • Spider eats insects.
  • Big spiders eat mice and fish.

Writing sentences

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to help you

Word Bank

(sent – legs – big – eat – wings – live – has – ground – seeds  – insects – antennae – leaves)

  1. How many legs does an ant have?
  • It has eight legs
  1. Where does an ant live?
  • An ant lives under the ground.
  1. What does an ant eat?
  • Ants eats leaves
  • seeds and other insects

Writing sentences

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to help you

Part B3

Word Bank

(rubbing – eat – racket – legs – hear – talk – antennae – wings – spots – six – together)

  How many legs does a cricket have?

  • Cricket has six legs.
  1. How do crickets communicate?
  • Crickets communicate by rubbing their wings together.
  1. How do crickets hear?
  • Crickets hear by the spots on their legs

Writing sentences

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to help you

Part B3

Word Bank

(water – plant – dig – a

Plant – hole – put – soil –

Fill – the – You – must)

  1. 1. What is the first step of planting a tree?
  • You must dig a hole.
  1. What is the second step of planting a tree?
  • You must put the plant in a hole.
  1. 3. What is the third and fourth steps of planting a tree?
  • You must fill the hole with soil.
  • You must water the plant.

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to help you:

Part B3

Word Bank

(butterfly – eat – four – eight –

Legs – wings – six – antennae –

taste – feet –  legs – have)

  1. How many legs does a butterfly have?
  • A butterfly has six legs.
  1. How many antennae does a butterfly have?
  • A butterfly has two antennae.
  1. How do butterflies taste?
  • A butterfly tastes with its feet.

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to help you:

Part B3

Word Bank

(factory – plant – cut – down –

Write – paper – in – both –

Trees – building – house – fire)

Explain the reason of disappearing trees.

  • People cut down trees to make houses and fires.

Write 2 sentences of how can you reduce the amount of paper?

  • I will write in both sides of my notebook.
  • I will recycle my old books and notebooks.

Look at the picture. Answer the question by writing full sentences. Use the word bank to help you:

Part B3

Word Bank

(flowers – You – the – here –

Must – mustn’t – zoo – cycle –

Fish – litter – pick up – swim)

What must you do in the zoo?

  • You must follow the rules.
  • You must throw the litter in the bin.

What mustn’t you do in the zoo?

  • You mustn’t swim.
  • You mustn’t fish.

إقرأ ايضًا: ورقة عمل Reading And Writing Assessment اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث

تحميل مذكرة اختبار مهارة القراءة والكتابة مع الحل

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مذكرة اختبار مهارة القراءة والكتابة مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثالث الفصل الثاني 2022 2023 هامة للغاية كما تعرفنا عليها مما سبق ذكره، كما إنها تفيد الطلاب في حل الأسئلة المتنوعة في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية.

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