أوراق عمل مراجعة شاملة علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس

أوراق عمل مراجعة شاملة علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس تمكن الطالب من المراجعة المنهج العلمي بشكل كامل وبطريقة سريعة، حيث تساعد أوراق العمل على حل كافة الأسئلة المتعلقة بمادة العلوم باللغة الإنجليزية، مما يساعد المعلم على تقييم مستويات الطلاب، ومن خلال موقع دروسنا نحصل على المزيد من التفاصيل.

أوراق عمل مراجعة شاملة علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس


 Chapter 1 Practice Questions

.1 Science 

  • different types of information that can be collected to answer a scientific question.
  • is a way of learning about the natural world.
  • is using one or more of your senses to identify or learn about something.
  • a series of steps that scientist use when conducting a scientific investigation.

اقرأ أيضًاحل درس الحركة العلوم للصف الخامس

.2 Hypothesis 

  • the practical use of science.
  • a description of how close repeated measurements are to each other.
  • is conclusion formed from available information or evidence.
  • is a prediction that can be tested in investigation.

.3 Earth science 

  • a rule that describes a pattern in nature. Ex: gravity force.
  • The study of living things. Ex: study plants and animal.
  • the study of matter (Chemistry) and energy (Physics).
  • the study of earth and space. Ex: study rocks, soils, oceans, clouds, rivers and climate system.

.4Dependent variables 

  • the variable that is being measured during an investigation.
  • a rule that describes a pattern in nature. Ex: gravity force.
  • is an attempt to explain a pattern observed repeatedly in the natural world.
  • the variable that is changed in controlled experiment.

Independent variables 

  • the variable that is being measured during an investigation.
  • a rule that describes a pattern in nature. Ex: gravity force.
  • is an attempt to explain a pattern observed repeatedly in the natural world.
  • the variable that is changed in controlled experiment.

Scientific law 

  • a rule that describes a pattern in nature. Ex: gravity force.
  • the variable that is being measured during an investigation.
  • is an attempt to explain a pattern observed repeatedly in the natural world.
  • the variable that is changed in controlled experiment.


  • different types of information that can be collected to answer a scientific question.
  • is a way of learning about the natural world.
  • is using one or more of your senses to identify or learn about something.
  • a series of steps that scientist use when conducting a scientific investigation.

Life science 

  • The study of living things. Ex: study plants and animal.
  • a rule that describes a pattern in nature. Ex: gravity force.
  • the study of matter (Chemistry) and energy (Physics).
  • the study of earth and space. Ex: study rocks, soils, oceans, clouds, rivers and climate system.

اقرأ أيضًاحلول الدرسين الاول والثاني وحدة التكاثر علوم الخامس

 Chapter 4 Practice Questions

Choose all the renewable sources from the list

  • Oil D. Gold
  • Wind E. Trees
  • Copper F. solar energy

Choose all the non-renewable sources from the list

  • Oil D. Gold
  • Wind E. Trees
  • Copper F. solar energy

Where do fossil fuels come from 

  • From meteorites
  • From the remains of ancient animals and plants
  • From cooling down of lava

Choose the fossil fuels from the list below

  • Wood
  • Coal
  • Oil
  • Natural Gas

Alternative energy sources include

  • Fossil fuels
  • All the sources, except the fossil fuels
  • All the energy sources, including the fossil fuels

اقرأ أيضًامراجعة وملخص الوحدة 5 درس المركبات والتغيرات الكيميائية علوم الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني

تحميل أوراق عمل مراجعة شاملة علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس

تحميل الملف

من خلال أوراق عمل مراجعة شاملة علوم منهج انجليزي صف خامس يتمكن الطالب من استدراك كافة دروس المنهج، كما يتدرب على حل مختلف الأسئلة مما يساعده في اجتياز الاختبار بتفوق.

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