حل الوحده 11 stories كتاب learner’s book لغة إنجليزية صف رابع

حل الوحدة 11 stories كتاب learner’s book لغة إنجليزية صف رابع يجعل الطالب يستنبط نقاط الضعف التي تحتاج إلى إعادة المراجعة لتحقيق التفوق، وتأتي متنوعة للتناسب مع الفروق الفردية وتفاوت مهارات الطلاب، ويمكن تحميل ملف الحل بصيغة PDF من خلال موقع دروسنا.

حل الوحدة 11 stories كتاب learner’s book لغة إنجليزية صف رابع

يمكن الاعتماد على ملف الحل بهدف التعرض إلى عدد متنوع من الأسئلة التي تساعد الطالب على ترسيخ معلوماته، وتعزز إلمامه بكافة النقاط الهامة التي وردت في الدرس، بالإضافة إلى قياس نسبة استيعاب الطلاب وفعالية وسائل الشرح المستخدمة من قبل المعلم.

تعد الطريقة المثلى للتدرب على دروس معينة هي من خلال حل الأسئلة ثم الاطلاع على الإجابات النموذجية لها وبالتالي ضمان تحقيق الاستفادة القصوى، وهذا تحديدًا ما يوفره ملف حل الوحدة، حيث يعرض لعدد كبير من الأسئلة والتدريبات مع الحلول، بالإضافة إلى شروحات مختصرة للقواعد المدروسة.

أهداف حل الوحدة 11 مادة اللغة الإنجليزية

  • التعرض إلى عدد من المصطلحات الجديدة التي تعزز بدورها فهم النصوص.
  • تدريب الطالب على ممارسة اللغة بشكل عملي من خلال الأنشطة السمعية والكتابية، وأنشطة القراءة.
  • تنمية المهارات الإبداعية للطلاب في إنشاء جمل من تعبيرهم.
  • العمل على تعزيز مهارات التحليل واستنباط القواعد والحلول من داخل النص.
  • تعلم القيم والمبادئ الطيبة التي يجب على الطالب الإماراتي التحلي بها لنعيش في مجتمع أفضل، كالشجاعة والتعاون وغيرها.
  • التمييز بين التصرفات الصحيحة والتصرفات الخاطئة وفق ما سبق تعلمه.
  • تمييز الأفعال المضارعة ومعرفة استخداماتها الصحيحة.

اقرأ أيضًا: حل درس الميزانية الشخصية دراسات اجتماعية صف رابع فصل ثالث

محتويات وتدريبات ملف حل الوحدة

Lesson 1: Being brave

Dangerous: something that could harm you.

Jetpack: something where on a person back to make them fly in the air

Read and listen to the text to see if your production in activity 1 is correct.

The UAE has the tallest skyscraper in the world. It is called the Burj Khalifa, which is in Dubai. It is nearly 830! meters tall and has 163 floors. Dubai has over 196 high-rise buildings. If a fire starts in a tall building, it is very difficult to put it out Helicopters can fly up high and throw water on the flames, but this can take a long time. It is very dangerous and firefighters must be very brave.

Firefighters in Dubai will soon have flying jet packs so they can fly up to the high skyscrapers and fight the fires.

It can be very windy at the top of skyscrapers and the wind makes the fire bigger and stronger. The jetpack firefighters will be able to reach the higher floors more easily and more quickly. Firefighters are people who do amazing things to help other people

Read the text again and answer true (T) or false (F).

1- The tallest skyscraper in the world is in Sharjah. (F)

2- The Burj Khalifa skyscraper is more than 800 meters tall. (T)

3- It is easy for firefighters to fight fires in skyscrapers. (F)

4- Firefighting is a very dangerous job. (T)

5- Helicopters drop water onto the flames of skyscraper fires. (T)

Lesson 2: what kind of person are you?

Look at the personality adjectives. Use a dictionary to look up the meanings and match them with the correct definitions

brave not afraid of danger
helpful likes to help other people
kind does nice things for other people
friendly likes talking to other people
hard working works hard
polite says ‘please’ and ‘thank

اقرأ أيضًا: أوراق عمل FINAL REVISION هيكل امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية مع الحل الصف الرابع الفصل الثالث

Lesson 3: Helping at school

We can use may or might to talk about things that could happen.

Ex: I might read a book today.

Ex: I may help my brother with his homework.

Read and listen

There are lots of ways that you can help at school. You might tell your friends when they have written good sentences in class or spoken a lot in English. You may help your friend when they are not sure how to spell a word, you might ask your friend for help when you are not sure.

It is important that you do what your teacher asks you and are kind to everyone. Ask your teacher if you may help to clean the board, tidy the classroom or give out dictionaries. You may ask your friends if they need help.

When you are learning English, be polite and say ‘Please’ and ‘thank you. You may share your colored pencils and scissors with your friends.

There are lots of ways to help your friends at school.

Read and listen, then decide which sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)

1- You might tell your friends when they do something well. (T)

2- You might not help your friends with spelling. (T)

3- You may ask your friend to help you. (T)

4- You may share your colored pencils and scissors. (F)

Lesson 4:

community: a group of people living in the same place, or have the same lives.

sunrise: when the sun come.

sunset: when the sun goes.

Use of English

Tick the activities that are possible for you, then discuss with your partner.

1- I might see my friend after school. (F)

2- I might help my mother clean the house this afternoon. (T)

3- I may play on the computer this morning. (F)

4- My mother may make bread on Friday. (F)

5- My father might drive me to school tomorrow morning. (T)

اقرأ أيضًا: حل درس A happy memory اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع

Lesson 5: My hero/ heroine at home

My grandmother told me a story about a woman called Salwa Al Hammad.

Salwa was from Dubai and she worked in a bank there. Every day, she saw lots of cats in rubbish, car parks and on the street. The cats looked very unhealthy and very thin. Salwa felt sorry for the cats and she took them to her house. if the cats were sick, she took them to the vet to get better.

Soon, Salwa had too many cats. She asked friends, family and neighbors to give homes to the cats. Very soon, everyone had cats in their houses and they were all very happy.

After the story ended, my grandmother said that being a good person means being kind to all living things. My grandmother and I went outside to the garden where we picked up two cats that were sitting outside our house.

We took them to the vet to make sure they were healthy, and gave them food and water when they got home. My grandmother is my heroine as she is kind to every living thing and taught me to be the same.

Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

1- The cats they saw looked healthy and fat. (F)

2- Salwa took the street cats home to look after them. (F)

3- Salwa took the cats to the vet to check they were healthy. (T)

4- The grandmother thought it was important to be kind to all living things. (T)

5- Salwa is her heroine. (T)


Look at the words and phrases. Which ones are pronounced with the same sound as air?

  • ear
  • clear
  • hair
  • where
  • they’re
  • deer

اقرأ أيضًا: حل درس بيئتي مسؤوليتي دراسات اجتماعية وتربية وطنية صف رابع فصل ثاني

lesson 6

Did you feel hungry, Grandfather?

No! We always had something to eat, and we drank mint tea, just like this! said their grandfather as he drank from his glass.

Everyone laughed and drank some more mint tea, just like their grandfather.

Read the story again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

1- Matar and Farah went to the desert. (F)

2- Matar and Farah had two brothers. (T)

3- Their grandfather visited them. (T)

4- Their grandfather lived in the desert when he was a child T 5 Their grandfather had three falcons. (F)

5- Their grandfather had three falcons. (F)

6- Their grandfather was always hungry when he was a child. (F)

Use of English

We use the past simple about actions that happened in the past.

1- We add -ed to regular verbs make them past.

Ex: Their grandfather asked us of mint tea.

2- Irregular verbs don’t add -ed endings.

Ex: He went hunting wit.

3- We use did + verb infinitive to make questions in the past.

Ex: Did you feel hungry?

Circle the correct past simple verbs

1- We eat /ate delicious food in the desert.

2- He brings / brought two falcons with him when he visited.

3- The boys and men go /went hunting in the desert.

4- Did /Do his mother and sisters cook food?

5- Did they drink /drank mint tea?

6- Their grandfather isn’t / wasn’t hungry when he lived in the desert.

Read about the different people. Tick if they must and cross if they mustn’t fast during Ramadan.

1- a ten-year-old boy.

2- a 30-year-old man.

3- a man who is ill in hospital. (mustn’t)

4- a firefighter.

5- a teacher.

6- your parents.

اقرأ أيضًا: مراجعة داعمة هيكل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول

حل الوحدة 11 stories كتاب learner’s book لغة إنجليزية صف رابع

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حل الوحدة 11 stories كتاب learner’s book لغة إنجليزية صف رابع خير وسيلة يستعين بها الطالب لزيادة الإلمام بكافة أجزاء الوحدة، وضمان التعرض لجميع نماذج وأشكال الأسئلة المختلفة.

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